Lets story board
scene 1 The scene starts with a high angle that moves down into a wide shot of a bedroom, with the sunlight peaking into the window. scene 2 It moves to a girl, where she is getting ready for going out looking excited which starts from a low angle into a high angle going into the next scene. scene 3 Its going to start with a medium long of coming out of the room meeting up with other family members who are ready to go out with the girl. scene 4 The next scene is a three-shot of the actors walking out the house which then follows them out and then, moves into the sunlight. scene 5 In a medium long shot the actors will be walking around the fair hanging and talking checking out the fair and all the stands along it. scene 6 This shot is of them going down the slide filming from a low angle, this scene is supposed to show the joy and excitement the people feel and that with the slide it helps bring it down. scene 7 This scene is the cutaway scene where me and the others da...