Cant think of a single pitch pun

Hello, today I present to you the pitch ideas my group and I came up with together. After deciding between many ideas we have three ideas for what mini-movie we would want to do, while we haven't decided what genre we wanna do, we're very excited. Pitch one- Something happens in town and a group of people comes together to solve the mystery that has befuddled most of the town. Pitch two- A girl discovers something about herself that nobody else knows about, and it affects her entire life. Pitch three- A bullied kid makes friends in the park. Each of these pitches, while vague, can give us a chance to explore the different ways to shape a story. we haven't chosen which one we want to do yet these are for sure the final ones. One of these will be the mini-movie we will create for our project. we are excited and, once again, can't wait to create the mini-movie. I hope you enjoyed my blog and reading the pitches we plan to turn into movies have a wonderful day.