Cant film today

Today is September 30, the day I was supposed to be filming. However I was unable to because of some unforeseen issues. Someone near me tested positive for Covid-19, so on Wednesday I had to leave early because of procedures. I have not gotten the vaccine yet so I was someone who was at risk, and needed to stay away until I got tested or, but if I didn't want to, stay away for four days. Either way, I would not have been able to go to school today or Friday. Its upsetting that I will lose a day of filming because of this, but I'm grateful to be able to still go to school and Monday and film my commercial. I need to make sure I can film on Monday, hopefully there is no bad weather and the lighting is good so when I film it looks natural. Luckily I already have a second place to film in case of such circumstances, so I'm not really worried. The only thing to be worried about is timing. I need to start filming as soon as I can then right after go straight into editing. I alre...