Intro to myself
Hello, my name is Cecelia Torrez I am in the 10th grade, and I am excited to learn with this classes curricular. A little bit about myself, I am just coming back to school from covid-19 and its not easy as, I thought it would be. Yes, school is still the same, however, making friends and connecting with people isn't as easy. I don't want to say I'm struggling, but it isn't a picnic either. Even though its a little hard now, i know by the end of the year I will get back into the rhythm. Going back into the positive, I am excited to do some hands on learning in class. Online school just wasn't the same, I was learning, and I know the information but, it still felt like I was alone the whole time. So, while I will miss my perfectly good bed, I'm excited to join new clubs, do new activities, and make new friends. In fact, I have already joined a few after school activities already. For starters I'm in marching band, in which I play the alto saxophone. I decided to join because I had already played alto saxophone for all my middle school years in concert band, and it sounded like fun. My first practice was hard, but over time it was a little less stressful. Not only have I joined marching band, but I also joined one other club to help with volunteering called the best friends club and I really enjoy it. While joining these clubs are fun, I hope to not over stress myself because mental health is important. All this information is most of what has been going on for me lately. I'm hoping to have a great school year with lots of fun and hard work. My own personal goal is to get through this year to do it while trying my best. I will make sure to achieve this goal with passion for what I am doing no matter what it is. I hope you enjoyed reading about myself because I will continue posting from today forth. I'm sure this will become something I can look back on in the future. I hope everyone has a great day, goodbye.
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