Comparing Le Jetée vs 12 Monkeys

From a video on YouTube, I learned about "twelve monkeys", and how it apparently is a short film version of "la Jetée". 
The name of the video is "is 12 monkeys better than the original" where it goes through and explains the differences and how it changed. My own takeaway is that while short films can be derived from movies, they can be changed into its own creation despite having the same plot. It doesn't need to perfectly resemble the original movie; in fact, it can have its own take and be even better than the original. I learned that the movie cannot be reimagined through the help of writing and creative changes and added to the movie. Short films can be entertaining when written with the right amount of all elements and not just full of jokes. The movie can have the same plot but take different risk, like how twelve monkeys break out of its restraints that la Jetée had. The movie short monkeys became its own thing, and truly was a great movie for audiences to watch. I envision this helping with the short film process as I can look at other movies and try to envision my own movie for it. That it will not only be its own creation, but also different from the original and give the audience a different feeling.
An article also gives its own view on this about and what it views on the differences and similarities the film has. 
The name of the article is "A Comparison of 12 Monkeys & La Jetée" this article does more of a view of both films separately first, rather than explain and look at both at the same time. My own takeaway is that for both films and essentially the same and the only difference is the director and what they do to change the film for their own liking. Since Terry Gillian, director of 12 monkeys had already had a movie to create a base off of, he had the ability to take his own creative changes to the plot and film. Chris marker, director of la Jetée, couldn't take his own creative liability because the whole film is his own creation all from his own mind. while reading it I gathered that looking at an old film and basing the plot off of it, I can create my own creative liberty's and write the film how I think it can be best reimagined. I can still create my own film, and have it been my own idea, but it can be good or even better than the original when you base the film off another. I can see this helping me in my writing process as it will show me to look at other movies and see how its written and try to make my own idea. I could also base my movie off of another and take my own creative liberties on how it should be written. As long as credit is given to the original its good, just make sure to make the film your own and that you not just completely coping a movie and trying to call it your own. 
I am excited to write as this has given me many ideas and showed me a path on what to do and how to do it. 


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