Editing choices
While waiting to film I have looked at different editing videos to look at the different programs. As I said in my last blog I've decided to change editing programs. so far some programs I have looked at are adobe, Canva video editor, and Kdenlive. After watching a YouTuber who recommends these free editing programs, I have decided to look more into Canva video editor and Kdenlive. It was said that those two are great editing softwares, and they don't include a watermark. For Canva video editor is completely online so it dosen't need to be downloaded. This would be good for my laptop as I don't want any app that might take up to much storage and overload my computer. Canva video editor gives you all different types of word fonts, transitions, and animations aside from just the basics. The downside of this app is that it only can do simple videos, and I need one that could make complex videos. Canva video editor is more for people who are beginners and are just starting out, I need something more complicated. Kdenlive, my other option, is fully free with no limitations. You get access to all the advanced features which you can look more into how we would want the lighting of the scene of the audio we want to hear with the background noise we wish to cut out. This as seems perfect as it is recommended to many people and helps people think about what they want and how they want to change it. However, just like Canva video editor it has a slight problem that makes it a downside. Many people have said that the app is bugs out and can mess up on you while editing. While I don't want an app that could mess up when I'm in the middle of editing I also don't think I have another choice. Yes, I mentioned adobe in the beginning but that cost money I don't want to spend. I would like to exhaust all other video editing options before I spend money on something that's just going to do the same as others. I already have an idea of how the video should be edited and what music we're gonna use. It's going to fade into the scene that will be the fireplace until it zooms out of the fireplace to focus on the people around the fire. It's just a start but I'm already excited to be editing and I believe that while I will take it seriously that I will have fun. I hope you enjoyed my blog and have a wonderful evening, goodbye.
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