Its finally over

 My opening sequence is finally over and I'm so happy about it. My group and I worked so hard on this project and I'm super excited for everyone to see it. The first time I got this project I was nervous to do the project on my own, It was different from the previous projects. Luckily, I had a great opportunity to work with people who would help take the stress off doing the project alone. I was super happy then, and I'm still happy now that I got to work with them. While filming was difficult, due to all of our different schedules, when we were finally able to I had too much. I made sure to have the group follow the script and the storyboard exactly so it wouldn't look different from how we said it would. Filming was easy and simple and we had no issues, other than the schedule. Editing was something that we trusted Wyatt to do but I also did a backup edit in case anything happened to the first one. While editing I made sure to have the cut scenes and riming all aligned so that the video wouldn't mess up. I also helped pick out the music that we are using for our opening sequence. Once editing was done and over with everything else was a breeze from there. I would once again like to reiterate how excited I am over the fact that we finished the project in time. I'm just hoping that everyone enjoys it, and gets the mood that we were trying to set for the opening sequence. There was a lot of work put into this, So I would be really disappointed if people ended up hating the film. I know that I shouldn't worry over the worst possibility, So I'm going to try and focus on the positives. One positive thing is that we already had someone else watch it, and they enjoyed it and gave us a good review. The more I freak out and try to change it the more likely that it will only end badly. All I need to focus on right now is the fact that all I need to do is turn it in, and then I'm done. After that is my CCR which I have something planned for it so I'm not worried and more excited. We have been working on this project for months so to see the end project is something special for me. I hope that people enjoyed this blog and have a wonderful day, goodbye. 


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