How it is going

Hello, my name is Cecelia, and this is my blog where I talk about my groups short film and what we are doing. I'm mostly going to be recapping how the short film has been going so far and everything my group has been doing lately. Today is more stressful than others because it is the day before SAT, which is a really important standardized test. After Sunday we decided to take a break from filming because we wanted to focus this week on finishing test and for me preparing for my play. I won't be getting home all this week until nine so it will be harder to post about anything. At the same time, we won't be able to do anything since we are mostly busy this week. I would like to start editing, but I know my focus won't be on that and my mind will be to be focused on everything else. We have all the scenes uploaded already and we already have a plan on who will be editing what, we just haven't started editing yet. I already have an idea on what needs to be fixed and what should be changed from what I will be editing. I can't wait to start; I just need to find the time for when I can do it since I've been so busy lately. The next time I'm able to do this will most likely be Saturday morning, and while I hate waiting, I can't find another day where I can do this. Editing takes time and I don't want to edit one part, then procced to forget what I'm editing after leaving it for days. While I admit, I could be doing more, I have made sure to write down any ideas I have about editing the short film. Sometimes during class, or in practice for the play, I'll have an idea for what I want to do for the short film and write it down in my notebook. It's really helpful for when I'm going to be editing later on and I already know what I want to do. I've already had a bunch of ideas of what I'll be doing for the short film, and I can't wait to implement them. I'm not sure how Charlie and Zahra are going to be editing their parts but I'm going to talk to them about it. The next time we meet I'm going to make sure we use the same editing techniques for the parts we are each editing. I'm sure we are all already on the same page for who we will be editing the video but it's always good to double check. I hope you enjoyed reading; I know I enjoyed talking about the short film and have a lovely day.


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