Still editing

Hello, my name is Cecelia and if you don't know this is where I write about what me and my group do for our short film. Today I mainly looked at other videos about editing to help me and give ideas on what I could do for the short film. I feel as if the film is missing something and I'm going to go through different YouTube videos to see how they film and edit. It's really been annoying me, and I can tell that it's probably something miniscule. At first, I tried to go through the film on my own and see what it was missing, but I couldn't think of anything. The next thing I did was ask my group members and see what they thought, and they couldn't find anything either. So finally, what I'm doing now is look through YouTube videos to see if anyone else has some guidance on what I should as to the film. The first video I found wasn't as helpful as I hoped it would be. The guy mostly talked about what he wanted his film to look like rather than how he edited the video. The second video I found wasn't much help either because it was mostly about the basics of editing rather than what they thought should be done with editing. The third video I watched was much more helpful than I thought it would be, I only say that because it looked like it was just a basic knowledge video. The girl in the video talked about trusting your instincts and thinking about what you will think is best for the film. It really made me think and look back on the film, which made me realize that I needed to trust my own opinion more when it comes to editing the film. So, while i did watch a few more videos to help me, I went back the look at the film and went over it again until I realized what was missing. There was a scene Where it felt there was a pause needed so that it would make the ending more dramatic. With this added it finally feels like the whole film is brought together now just by this simple change. The last thing I need to do is discuss with my group what we think needs to be edited out or in then show it to another person. After we show two other people and get their opinions about the short film then we will be able to make some final changes and we'll be done. I'm honestly so happy that we are at the end of this film, and everyone will be able to enjoy our short film. I want to thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed.


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