Time for the reviews

 Hello, my name is Cecelia, and, in this blog, I talk about what we are currently doing for our short film and what we are doing to move forward. So, in this blog I'm mostly going to be talking about more editing and having someone I know to watch and give their perspective on our film so far. I wanted to have someone who knew nothing about the film to give their outside perspective and tell us what they thought about it. So recently, we have finished most of the editing so we have mostly been looking at what can be changed and how were going to put it all together. I'm personally really happy with how the film has turned out so far, but I know we need another opinion from someone who will be nonbiased. I planned on asking my mom, and while I know it seems like she will be biased, I asked her to judge it like she would anything else. Before I showed it to her, I made sure to go over it again and see if there was anything that need fixing before I showed it to my mom. It all seemed fine, so I went ahead and when she had free time, I showed her the short film and then asked her for notes. The notes that she gave me were helpful and she told me what she thought could be better throughout. Her first note was that the dialogue wasn't smooth enough and we need to work on having it seem like such a normal conversation. Another note as that we needed more background noise to make it seem like a park and that it sounded empty. Her final note was that she was impressed with the dialogue and that she was really proud with what we had done and that all I needed to do was to make sure that when there was a jump cut to make it seem more natural. I was really happy with all the notes she gave and started working on what she said. Having another person's eyes on the short film really helped and made gave me another perspective on the film. I'm going to ask another person to give me their perspective on the film and what they think about. I'm also going to be asking my other group mates if they can ask people, they know to give their perspectives about the film. If we can get a lot of people to give us their perspective, then we can get more feedback which we need. I really need to know what other people think as because I tend to miss little details. I hope I get more positive and negative feedback from people because only positive feedback will not help. It's been a really long day and I'm just happy to get this done and be over it. I want to thank you for reading my blog and hope you have a wonderful day. 


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