Tired but happy

Hello, my name is Cecelia, and this is my blog where I talk about what's been happening in my group regarding our short film. Today is finally the day where we have finished our short film and I'm so happy to be done. Don't get me wrong I love the film, but I'm really happy to be done with it so I can show others. This week was already a long week, since it's the last week of third quarter for my school a lot of work needed to be done. Sadly, my project got into the mix, so I've had a lot of late nights this week, I really need to catch up on my sleep. I can't wait for spring break; I honestly need just two days of sleep, so I don't pass out from exhaustion. After two days I'm going to start working on our short film package, I know one of my group mates has already made the website and I just need to work some parts of it. While I do want to relax spring break, I also want to get more work done on the project and possible even go over our short fil...